C - Counting
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In this section, we are doing math with our micro:bit. Math is a key element in any human endeavour and after this lesson, you will be coding your own calculations in no time.
Let's start our Math and micro:bit exploration by counting. First, we will create a counter from 1 to 5 using a basic approach, and then we'll find a better way to do it, with more control.
Before attempting each of the following parts, try to create code that counts, while considering the following points:
What to display on the micro:bit?
When to change the count? What action on the micro:bit will trigger the count?
By how much are we counting? Are we counting up (adding, multiplying) or down (subtracting, dividing)
What blocks do we need to display our count?
See more information about these powerful concepts in the Teacher's Corner - Counting, below
Great work in getting the counter working! time for a mini-challenge.
We have made lots of progress and in the next section If Hot!, we will explore some really exciting concepts in coding and the micro:bit!